The BioAssemblage performance is part of one of the art-based communication strategies of the BIOASSEMBLER research project. Coordinated by the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, it is hoped that these collaborative strategies between art and science will contribute to the visibility and impact of the development and innovations in biosensors, facilitating the dialogue between scientists and the public and promoting wider social engagement with biotechnology research.
Following an artistic-scientific residency that took place at the premises of two of BIOASSEMBLER’s partners in Finland, VTT and Biomensio, in Espoo and Tampere respectively, we propose the final presentation of a performance. This proposal will emphasise the process of working in the laboratory, where the tasks performed by scientists and researchers, who work meticulously and persistently, are less visible. One of these tasks is the development of a process to create acoustic microresonators, a special type of sensor, for the manufacture of the new biosensor.
In this performance, the public will have access to images taken in the laboratories or made from elements used in the research work. These images will be displayed on a panel, based on chips with multiple bioreceptors, namely 64 acoustic resonators.
During the artistic residency, a question also emerged: if acoustic resonance were to be audible, what would it sound like?
WHEN – 20 December 2024, 6pm
WHERE – Penedo da Saudade Cultural Centre, Coimbra, Portugal

Artist’s biographical note
Andrea Inocêncio has a PhD in Contemporary Art (College of Arts, University of Coimbra), with the thesis Silence – the search for the reverse of urban space (or the reverse of me). Her creative work moves between drawing and photography, between performance and artist’s book. She has been exhibiting and performing regularly since 1996, in Portugal and abroad. She is represented in private and institutional collections, has held artist residencies and received various grants and awards. She was selected for the BIOASSEMBLER Artist Residency in an international competition for artists. Her greatest ambition is to share her creative experience around the world.
This event is part of the project BIOASSEMBLER – Integrating bio-inspired assembly into semiconductor manufacturing technology for biosensors, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101070589. This artistic product reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
More information about the artist residency: