Midterm evaluation of the BIOASSEMBLER project

This Monday our group had a long and productive meeting to present the project’s work to the European Comission.
CES team presents the communication work of BioAssembler at scientific conferences

CES team members participated in the ECSA Conference held in Vienna, and SciCompT, held in Braga.
CES visits Abcalis

BIOASSEMBLER members met to discuss issues related to CES research, involving the opportunities and risks of multiplexed biosensors and the communication on the technology.
Summer School 2024

In July 2024, the “Critical Approaches to the Sustainable Transformation” Summer School will be based at the University of Algarve and just opened the application period. Join us next summer!
The productive summer of BioAssembler

The BioAssembler consortium presented the project’s preliminary results at conferences worldwide throughout the summer.
BioAssembler is recruiting a new member for the CES team

BioAssembler is becoming well-known for its strong multidisciplinarity and has launched an open call for an artist to join the team!
BioAssembler values biodiversity

The 22nd of May marks International Biodiversity Day. When biodiversity is threatened worldwide, our survival is also threatened. We need to take action and address the sustainability challenges for the following years.
BioAssembler celebrates Citizen Science

April is the Citizen Science Month! Science must be grounded in the practical improvement that can be provided to populations worldwide.
CES participa em investigação que visa a transformação sustentável do fabrico de biossensores

O Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) da Universidade de Coimbra (UC) integra o novo projeto de investigação ‘BIOASSEMBLER – Integrando a montagem bio-inspirada na tecnologia de fabrico de semicondutores para biossensores’, que procura promover a integração das Ciências Sociais e Humanidade no desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras no fabrico de microssensores e na transformação sustentável deste sector.
Bio-intelligent micromanufacturing paves the way for new biosensors – application areas include health, food and environmental monitoring

Microelectromechanical sensors are essential components in all walks of life. However, bringing biospecific elements into miniaturized sensors has been a challenge, obstructing the development of bioanalytical applications. A new European project aims to change this by developing key enabling technologies for producing silicon-based multiplexed biosensors rapidly and cost-effectively. This could transform semiconductor-based biosensor industries in Europe.